Monkchester Nursery Playgroup

The Family Centre houses the Nursery Playgroup and has been part of our setting for over 11 years, now. It has provision for 80 children, part time for up to a maximum of five sessions per week. Each session runs for three hours. Children aged between 2 and 4 years old are eligible for the playgroup.
Parents should complete an application form for the Playgroup if they would like their child to attend. This can be obtained from the Nursery Office or from the Family Centre itself. Children are allocated places when they become available.
Many children qualify for free Playgroup provision as part of the Government’s ‘Two Year Offer’ scheme. Qualification for this scheme is dependent upon individual circumstances such as benefits or low income. For those families who do not qualify for this offer a small fee of £8.00 per session is charged. From the term after the child is three years of age, the Playgroup place is provided free of charge.

Children can attend for up to five sessions in one week at a cost of £8.00 per session.